Hit Man Review

Director Richard Linklater’s style is displayed in the opening of Hit Man, a one-of-a-kind spy comedy. The setting has both normalcy and many unanswered questions. The film accomplishes its objectives with magnificent misdirection. 

Glen Powell plays Gary Johnson and narrates many segments of the film. He is a professor and a hit man for his local police department. Gary displays a classy personality. His style is presentable but a bit below-average. No one would be able to guess that he does con work on the side because his attitude is presented as book smart over street smart. Gary’s subtle character is how he gets the job done.

Linklater uses character traits of deceit and quirkiness to great benefit in this movie. The role and personality of Powell reminded me of Jack Black’s performance in Linklater’s 2003 classic School of Rock. In both films, the characterization involves someone who is under-qualified to be doing a task and yet they are doing it to their benefit. For Black it was pretending to be a schoolteacher and forming his rock group, and for Powell it is about using fake names to cover his identity and do dirty deeds. Linklater is superb in creating characters who can bring such surprises when the truth about what they do is revealed. 

In Hit Man, a load of revelations and curiosities unfold as part of the backstory of the lead character. The film is innovative withcatchy moments using disguises. Powell plays the role well as aclassic man of mystery who does not hide his shifting personalities.

There are creative moments including scenarios in which Gary has worked during his con work assignments. His assistants are Claudette (played by Reeta), Phil (played by Sanjay Rao), and Jasper (played by Austin Amelio). Gary is the most suited to get tasks accomplished. The writing of the characters’ roles provides personality with confidentiality. They all work within their means, but Gary plays the cards right all the time. The audience will feel that Powell is the mastermind of whatever is to come and will be able to handle most every problem that comes his way.

With Gary having a life as a teacher and a hit man, he starts to see shifts in his thinking as he feels a love for Madison Figueroa Masters (played by Adria Arjona). His love interest impacts his ability to fly below the radar. This element causes the humor to shift which is what works for Linklater, especially in a spy-thriller.

Linklater knows how to effectively establish reputations. Gary’s reputation is on the line when he realizes that Madison may be in danger due to her husband. Are Gary’s feelings getting in the way? What is worth more to Gary? There is a steamy chemistry that tests the limits and boundaries in Hit Man. The lies combined with Gary’s success as a professor, a hit man, and his hidden relationship with Madison all enhance the story. Powell’s role of a two-faced, nice guy makes for mysterious pleasures in Hit Man.

When does the red flag of confidentiality get too risky?Moments of truth unfold when Gary pulls out his gun in public. Slowly many acquaintances come across Gary when he is with Madison as his new mission is to help Madison get her abusive husband out of her life. With that focus, however, a lot is on the line. How low can Gary fly below the radar? Linklater does a magnificent job of portraying the moments of life and chaos. There are unique cliffhangers and unexpected surprises with plenty of enthralling twists in this different yet fun Linklater classic. Three-and-a-half out of four stars for Hit Man.

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